Sleep Apnea Treatment - Lutherville-Timonium, MD
Sleep apnea occurs when a patient experiences a disruption in their breathing while they sleep. Often, the patient is unaware they stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep but may be prone to snoring or feeling groggy even after a perceived full-night sleep. When your tongue and soft palate relax during sleep, it can block the airway and restrict airflow to the lungs. This is known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and one in five adults is affected. At our Timonium-Lutherville dental practice, Dr. Lynn Chincheck provides a comprehensive solution to sleep apnea using dental appliances that help patients finally achieve a full night’s rest. In fact, Dr. Chincheck is one of the few dentists certified to treat sleep apnea in the Lutherville-Timonium area.
Sleep-disordered breathing can have a plethora of negative health effects:
- High blood pressure
- Heart attacks
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Many others!
So treating it is important! We offer a variety of custom oral appliances that can be worn while you sleep to adjust the position of your jaw and keep your airway unrestricted. You’ll be amazed at what a good night’s sleep actually feels like once you try sleep apnea treatment.